Are you at Crossroad number thirty ?

Well for starters for all who have stepped into their thirties, you have reached a point where your not as young to be mentored in every stepping stone of your life nor too old that might stop you from still doing those silly things in life which might pave way for some drama. I feel I might get some nods if I can put it this way- At this stage, your very well settled in your skin since your opinion matters and makes a difference, be it with your family , friends or in your work-front. This junction in my life feels like a two way street. First way makes me feel that I might look a bit old , I need to maintain my fitness, hit the gym regularly, feel young within , which in turn reflects outside. Like all women, I look in mirror to see how I look, panic over few of my grey hair, try to hide it. The very second way makes me feel that I have become more emotional , stronger or weaker (depends on situations) and serious towards relationships. You might be thinking why is there a dichotomy. The dichotomy exists because of situations I keep facing in my life and how I get to deal with them. I would say that my way of looking over life has definitely changed from the time I stepped in my early twenties as a girl who is very naive, fearless and also might have lived in her own sweet bubble. Now the bubble has popped in a positive sort of way so she could see life as it comes, not to take herself too seriously or to believe that its not always going to be a bed of roses. Taste life with a pinch of salt, don’t fail to add sugar, if you cant find full calorie sugar , at least try for a low calorie sweetener!!
I am happy to be married and enjoying my motherhood. When I was young growing up, I used to think how could one really take care of a child? I used to be amazed looking at moms who did that and was unsure about myself, if I would really be capable to handle it when the day comes. I felt I was never into kids. But to my surprise it was all instinct and came up pretty naturally to me.Not only me but every woman has that in her DNA and that’s how life has been designed. Now my daughter is all the world to me.
But you get so equipped and engrossed fulfilling your duties as a mother, that you will not realize that there is a voice deep inside you which tells that you might need a “ME TIME”, but don’t want to let it out. I would advice all mothers to let that voice come out and realize it pretty quickly and work towards it because that’s what keeps you going, this is good for yourself as well as your baby. A Happy Mother leads to a Happy Baby. I have realized this a bit late and kind of forgot my interests, I needed that lost interest to be regained in life and started working on it.Now I feel lot happier and stronger as a woman.
Like all couples we also have our good and bad days. Bad days go extremely bad and those are the days when you feel that your world has fallen apart, everything seems to be upside down, but now is the time I need to act as a woman who has reached this point in her life, where one must not be too overwhelmed or too grumpy, but strike a balance. Believe you me in theory this sounds to be so easy and right, but in practicality its as difficult as solving a Rubik's cube puzzle and I am still learning.
On career front, being at this age you feel like you might have struck a cord, let go of your inhibitions and evolved to a good quality zone where your comfortable in your environment. But too much comfort might not give you that satisfaction which may again take you to a stage where you just keep blaming your age saying “Aah those days are gone!!”, “ Does my life seem to be boring??”. I feel its high time we come out of that comfort zone, try something new, don’t keep yourself idle, keep your mind open for fresh thoughts, try to keep up with new crafts in your concerned field of work, some may also get an idea of an alternative career path and I would say follow your heart and go for it.
I will always be grateful to my twenties because that was the age when I have learnt to dream big, aim towards it, face the failures, fall and get up and this time try even harder until I achieve it.
Let’s not take the pressure of always dressing up in a perfect date night attire or having a mouthwatering salmon with wine near a beach side resort or taking a selfie near a breathtaking picturesque.Lets just ease in and spend that quality time with our family and watch the same old Netflix. This does not mean that life is dull now. Thirties might not be as impromptu as twenties, but it would be interesting and exciting, since we can plan ahead on our travel diaries.
Like all I also have written a bucket list, as “ Things to do before my thirties”, some of them were ticked off from the list and some weren't. But what’s with the rush, life has just begun, isn’t it??!!.