Finding Happiness
When your able to find peace and calmness in your silences and be contented with what you got, that is happiness is for me.
When simple things bring a smile on your face, that is happiness for me.
When you feel satisfied from the work that you have done for the week and relax in your patio with a cup of masala chai on a Friday evening, with a background score of Kishore Kumar songs, that is happiness for me.
When you don’t mind being alone or being surrounded with people as long as your comfortable in both situations and are able to survive, that is happiness for me.
When your able to gaze into nothingness with pleasure and comfort and don’t care being judged for every little thing as somethings are not under your control, that is happiness for me.
The key for our happiness lies within us, not with anyone else.
Stay Happy Stay Peaceful…Life is too short.